torstai 27. marraskuuta 2014

It's time to come to the 21st century!

In my blog I usually don't really tell my opinions about things that are up either just in Finland or globally, but this time I think I have to.

While I was in the USA last year, I kept hearing how happy I should be that I live in Finland. We have (or had still by then) the best education in the world, our health incurances are free etc, etc. Yes, I'm happy about that, but there's is a thing which does not make me proud at all: Finland doesnt allow gays to get married or adopt a child. Well, luckily it might change tomorrow, cuz the politicians are gonna vote about it, but still. And listening people who are against it, that why the law should not change, I think their reasons are, to be honest, absolutely redicilous! They cannot really come up with any other reasons than Bible. Just because Bible says it's not good (I read from a science newspaper that what it says in the Bible might actually mean something absolutely different than how we've understood it) people are against it.

Come on guys! It's time to wake up! There are plenty of things what the Bible says are not good, like getting divorced, but still that happens. And happens a lot actually. Why aren't you whining about that? Because it's normal! That's why. The same way gay marriage should be normal! How on Earth it affects to your marriage if a man marries a man, or a woman marries a woman? Not a single way! Your marriage stays absolutely the same.
Finland keeps saying how it supports the equal rights to all, but isn't it a bit ironic that still gays are not allowed to marry? And gays are humans too, so the equal rights belongs to them too. I think many of those who are against gay marriage thinks that every time a gay sees a human who is the same gender, s/he wants to have sex with him/her, but it is not like that! Like straights, they have the one with who they're doing things in bed. Just guys please: Let the gays live their life with the same rights as straights.

No offense! I say things without sensur and that's it!

perjantai 14. marraskuuta 2014

Summerjob from a radio?

The title says pretty much everything, but maybe I should explain a bit more. Today we had a guest in Finnish class today, she was a person from radio (not sure which one). She explained to us that what is it like to work on a radio and it sounded pretty interesting.

 I got my king idea (as usual) after the class was over; My parents have been pushed me to find at least a summer job (to be honest I agree with them now), so what if I got a summer job from radio? I would love it, but the problem is, I don't know how easily you can get to work to radio. My neighbour works at Radio Nova, so maybe I should ask her something. Anyway, I hope my idea is not just worth get rid of this time, because working at a radio really interests me. I just cant find any info about how to get to work to a radio, I mean, only some limited time as a summer. If anybody knows anything, please, please, pleease tell me! I need help.

See you later!

lauantai 8. marraskuuta 2014

Hockey night!

Love this beautiful young lady <3

Hey ho! I was at my first international ice hockey game tonight (FIN-RUS) with my dad and my YFU friend Valerie. The night was so much fun and what made it perfect was that Finland won Russia 6-2! It was time to pay back to Russians after they completely beated us in last World Champions.

Our seats were quite high in the arena, so that's why the pictures aren't that good but at least we were able to see what happened at the ice! And the atmosphere were at least as good as on the lower levels. I screamed so much I wonder will I have voice at all tomorrow! XD

This is all today. I'll have my 4th driving lesson on Monday and I'm supposed to drive the car out of the parking hall (starting point) for the first time! O.O Oh no! How will that happen? I'll tell you on my next post! =)

See you soon!