torstai 30. lokakuuta 2014

"Don't crash it!"

This is what Mario told me few days ago when I said that I'd have a driving class today. Well, I think he had a good reason as I already once almost hit a tree with my dad's car XD a little panic....

So, as I said I had my first driving class today and I just got back home from it. Friends at school had already started to plan escaping from the town but, good for me, I didn't crash anything or anyone! Only thing what keeps driving me crazy is that almost every time when I try to get the car moving (from standing) using both gas and switch, I take the switch up waaay too fast tho' I try to be as careful as possible. So this happened also now and, luckily, it did not make the car to shut off, but it made it jump like a kangaroo... ARGH! xP But then when I moved the car using only the switch, it went all fine! Sigh.... Well, I think I'll get it soon enough and luckily I have a really nice teacher! =) Hopefully next time I'll do better also with the gas.

The "gym bug" has finally bit also me and yesterday I went to the gym first time with my mom. At first I thought that I'd die there, as my physical condition could probably be better, but no, I actually enjoyed it. I don't have an actual program yet because we are on the training part, but after next week my mom and I will both get our personal practicing program. Hopefully I'll be able to go to the gym often enough. :P

See you soon! ^^

tiistai 28. lokakuuta 2014

"Imagine all the people living for today..."

The President in the middle and Vice Presidents next to him. They were from Germany, Spain and Latvia
The President (from Germany) in the middle and Vice Presidents (from Spain and Latvia) next to him

Opening Ceremony

Teambuilding: Let's play a "game" XD

Time to get to know the committee members

General Assembly

My comittee: Comittee of Development, or just Deve

Time to play energysizing games even during GA

"But first: Let me take a selfie!"

So, I came here to write about EYP, as I promised last time. The problem is: I don't know where to start because so much happened there and thinking about the weekend still makes me emotional (in a good way).

To be honest, on the first day I wasn't so sure had it been good idea to go to the EYP meeting; We were almost all the time behind schedule and also some of the things were not organized good enough.

Anyway, I had that feeling only during the first day, because though some things did not go very smoothly, after I strated to get to know people, I strated to enjoy the time. This was small meeting; There were "only" 150 delegates. When I start to go to the national and international meetings, which are longer and abroad, there'll be many hundreds of delegates. And I can't wait!

So, during the meeting, we were in eight different comittees, which all had some international problem what European Union are trying to solve right now and we were supposed to find solutions for those. My comittee was Comittee of Development, or DEVE. What we had to think was the war what is going on in the Middle East and what to do to the refugees that are coming to Europe, mostly thanks to ISIS. It was mentally really hard try to find some solutions, but none of the problems were actually easy and one single solution was not possible.

During last weekend I probably laughed more than a long time; on the first day's team building games and even during General Assambly, where every comittee told their solutions. Only thing what bugs me is that in the end I ended up saying nothing during GA, even though at first I didn't even want to, because I'm afraid of public speaking. On the day before GA, every comittee voted that who is for example going to read the solutions and who is going to do the speech which explains them more. I didn't get voted. So then I decided that I make an attack speach; a speach which is supposed to strongly disagree with the solutions what another comittee had made. But I didn't have a chance to do that before getting the booklets where all the solutions of each comittee were, and those were ready about 2 am. I was simply too tired to make that kind of speech anymore so I gave up. Still I had a chance to made up some points of the solutions, and I actually did, but before I had a chance to tell that, someone from another comittee said basically the exact same thing. :( Well, better luck next time.

All in all, that weekend was so amazing and I'll definitely continue with European Youth Parliament. So easy to make new friends and a chance to say your opinion about something, are things what I definitely enjoy! I just hope to see some of the amazing people I met still in the future, because guys: I really miss you!

torstai 23. lokakuuta 2014

"Sorry I'm late"

Long time, no see huh? I'm sorry about this long long break. Life has been "a little" busy and there was also some conflicts in the relationship of me and Mario. Anyway, I won't tell more because those are private things. But don't worry, we're still in love and together! <3

So... where should I start. Well, last week was an autumn break in Finland and I was in Tenerife with my family. And for those who dont know where is Tenerife, it's a part of Canary Islands what belongs to Spain. It was so fun there and I'll put pictures here at some point! =)

I am soooo nervous and excited because of the weekend; I'll take a part of the European Youth Parliament's (EYP) meeting in Helsinki. You'll find more information about EYP from here: but shortly it's a non- partisan and independent educational program for young European citizens. I heard it at school, cause a member of it came to tell about EYP to us. I found it interesting and if I'm active enough this weekend, I'll get a change to first get to another bigger meeting in Finland and then get to the meetings in abroad. So it opens me the way to travel, which I love to do! :) Seven other students from my school will come to the meeting too so I won't be all alone.

I'm thinking that I might do some changes to the look of my blog; for example I'll change the banner to a new one. Also I'm thinking to make a christmas calendar to my blog, but I don't know what kind of yet. If you've ideas, don't be afraid to tell me! =)

Hasta luego!
