torstai 30. lokakuuta 2014

"Don't crash it!"

This is what Mario told me few days ago when I said that I'd have a driving class today. Well, I think he had a good reason as I already once almost hit a tree with my dad's car XD a little panic....

So, as I said I had my first driving class today and I just got back home from it. Friends at school had already started to plan escaping from the town but, good for me, I didn't crash anything or anyone! Only thing what keeps driving me crazy is that almost every time when I try to get the car moving (from standing) using both gas and switch, I take the switch up waaay too fast tho' I try to be as careful as possible. So this happened also now and, luckily, it did not make the car to shut off, but it made it jump like a kangaroo... ARGH! xP But then when I moved the car using only the switch, it went all fine! Sigh.... Well, I think I'll get it soon enough and luckily I have a really nice teacher! =) Hopefully next time I'll do better also with the gas.

The "gym bug" has finally bit also me and yesterday I went to the gym first time with my mom. At first I thought that I'd die there, as my physical condition could probably be better, but no, I actually enjoyed it. I don't have an actual program yet because we are on the training part, but after next week my mom and I will both get our personal practicing program. Hopefully I'll be able to go to the gym often enough. :P

See you soon! ^^

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