torstai 23. lokakuuta 2014

"Sorry I'm late"

Long time, no see huh? I'm sorry about this long long break. Life has been "a little" busy and there was also some conflicts in the relationship of me and Mario. Anyway, I won't tell more because those are private things. But don't worry, we're still in love and together! <3

So... where should I start. Well, last week was an autumn break in Finland and I was in Tenerife with my family. And for those who dont know where is Tenerife, it's a part of Canary Islands what belongs to Spain. It was so fun there and I'll put pictures here at some point! =)

I am soooo nervous and excited because of the weekend; I'll take a part of the European Youth Parliament's (EYP) meeting in Helsinki. You'll find more information about EYP from here: but shortly it's a non- partisan and independent educational program for young European citizens. I heard it at school, cause a member of it came to tell about EYP to us. I found it interesting and if I'm active enough this weekend, I'll get a change to first get to another bigger meeting in Finland and then get to the meetings in abroad. So it opens me the way to travel, which I love to do! :) Seven other students from my school will come to the meeting too so I won't be all alone.

I'm thinking that I might do some changes to the look of my blog; for example I'll change the banner to a new one. Also I'm thinking to make a christmas calendar to my blog, but I don't know what kind of yet. If you've ideas, don't be afraid to tell me! =)

Hasta luego!


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