lauantai 9. elokuuta 2014

Enjoying the last days of summer break!

 Hola amigos! As the school starts soon, I thought I'd wanna tell you what do I have in my school bag, especially now because I just bought some new stuff. So here we go:
All of these (except of course my phone and the headphones) are from a bookstore called Suomalainen Kirjakauppa

My old pencilcase was a little mess, so i had to buy a new one, which also has more space for all the stuff i need

Of course I have more notebooks than these two, but these are the only ones that have pictures in them so they're my favorites :)
 Maybe I finally learn to keep all my papers in order in this folder. I love the Moomins in it :D

These are the new stuff I bought (except of course I had to buy the school books). So I think I'm ready to start the new school year now no I'm not, I want summer back!That's all today! Have a nice day all of you! =)

xoxo Julia

2 kommenttia:

  1. Ihana banneri! :)

    1. Voi kiitos! Kävin kurkkaamassa tota sun blogias niin kuin myös =)
