perjantai 8. elokuuta 2014

"Te quiero, amor mio!"

Hi guys, here I am again. I promised you i'd tell more about my mysterious Latino-American boyfriend if he lets me, and he said it's okay so here we go:

  That mister's name is Mario (i keep pronouncing it wrong all the time :D),he just turned 18 and like i told he lives in Dominican Republic. We got to know each other on facebook and yes, i know it's not the smartest way to start a relationship but he has proved so many times that he is what he says he is so he has won my trust. We published this just few days ago but for real it started already almost a month ago.

We keep contact on facebook, on WhatsApp and by skype and he has promised that as soon as possible, he will come to visit me. :) Hmm... I really don't know what else to write. Ask me, if you wanna know something more. And people please, don't give me rude comments about this. I know distance relationships have their own troubles but we wanna try and we hope you respect our choise. Thank you :)

 Later today I will go to Tuusula (our neighbour town) for the Tuusula's Night of Arts. I will take some pictures there and put them here later. Otherwise, there's nothing special going on right now. I just finished making space to my school books in my bookshelf and getting my school back ready. Yep, school starts on monday: Good bye Summer break! =( But it's also fun to see my friends again. :)

To the end I'll put a picture of a shirt that I bought from Lindex today. =)
See you later! =))

P.s: Sorry about the quality of the picture: I took it by my phone =P

xoxo: Julia

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