maanantai 18. elokuuta 2014

It tastes like Brazilian!

Restaurant Canarinho

Sooooo delicious :P
Those grilled bananas were awesome :P

From the harbor

Olá my friends! Yesterday there was a Pop-up restaurant day in Helsinki, which means that whoever wants to, can find his/her own restaurant for one day. So we had decided earlier on the week, that we'd go to see what kind of Brazilian restaurant there would be. We just saw an add about it from the newspaper and we all love exotic food, so there we go! It was soooooo yummy! Except the chicken hearts... yuk! :P

After we were done eating, we went to the harbor just for a walk, and sit down somewhere to eat desserts and also taking some pictures, as it was so awesome weather. :) I really want to go check the pop up restaurants again next time, seems like the food there is actually good =)

Last Saturday I also started my dance school again after a year break. What made me even more exited was, that one of my closest friends decided to start in the same dance group too, so now we have a place and time to see each others, as usually we're both so busy that it's kinda impossible. Only thing now, what bugs me is, that we'd have a street show in three weeks, but I won't be able to go to the practise in the next two weeks: This saturday will be my friends' wedding (other one of them is just the one who started in the same dance group) and then the next whole weekend I'll be gone in a camp for those who just came home from exchange. Of course I'm excited because of those, but it just bugs me that now I won't be able to dance in the show. Well whatever; We'll have more shows coming during the season anyway so let's move on =)

Now I think I need to go to do my homework, so this is it for now! There'll be a post about this fridays concert and then of course from the wedding so don't lose your interest ;) See you later!

xoxo Julia

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