torstai 27. marraskuuta 2014

It's time to come to the 21st century!

In my blog I usually don't really tell my opinions about things that are up either just in Finland or globally, but this time I think I have to.

While I was in the USA last year, I kept hearing how happy I should be that I live in Finland. We have (or had still by then) the best education in the world, our health incurances are free etc, etc. Yes, I'm happy about that, but there's is a thing which does not make me proud at all: Finland doesnt allow gays to get married or adopt a child. Well, luckily it might change tomorrow, cuz the politicians are gonna vote about it, but still. And listening people who are against it, that why the law should not change, I think their reasons are, to be honest, absolutely redicilous! They cannot really come up with any other reasons than Bible. Just because Bible says it's not good (I read from a science newspaper that what it says in the Bible might actually mean something absolutely different than how we've understood it) people are against it.

Come on guys! It's time to wake up! There are plenty of things what the Bible says are not good, like getting divorced, but still that happens. And happens a lot actually. Why aren't you whining about that? Because it's normal! That's why. The same way gay marriage should be normal! How on Earth it affects to your marriage if a man marries a man, or a woman marries a woman? Not a single way! Your marriage stays absolutely the same.
Finland keeps saying how it supports the equal rights to all, but isn't it a bit ironic that still gays are not allowed to marry? And gays are humans too, so the equal rights belongs to them too. I think many of those who are against gay marriage thinks that every time a gay sees a human who is the same gender, s/he wants to have sex with him/her, but it is not like that! Like straights, they have the one with who they're doing things in bed. Just guys please: Let the gays live their life with the same rights as straights.

No offense! I say things without sensur and that's it!

perjantai 14. marraskuuta 2014

Summerjob from a radio?

The title says pretty much everything, but maybe I should explain a bit more. Today we had a guest in Finnish class today, she was a person from radio (not sure which one). She explained to us that what is it like to work on a radio and it sounded pretty interesting.

 I got my king idea (as usual) after the class was over; My parents have been pushed me to find at least a summer job (to be honest I agree with them now), so what if I got a summer job from radio? I would love it, but the problem is, I don't know how easily you can get to work to radio. My neighbour works at Radio Nova, so maybe I should ask her something. Anyway, I hope my idea is not just worth get rid of this time, because working at a radio really interests me. I just cant find any info about how to get to work to a radio, I mean, only some limited time as a summer. If anybody knows anything, please, please, pleease tell me! I need help.

See you later!

lauantai 8. marraskuuta 2014

Hockey night!

Love this beautiful young lady <3

Hey ho! I was at my first international ice hockey game tonight (FIN-RUS) with my dad and my YFU friend Valerie. The night was so much fun and what made it perfect was that Finland won Russia 6-2! It was time to pay back to Russians after they completely beated us in last World Champions.

Our seats were quite high in the arena, so that's why the pictures aren't that good but at least we were able to see what happened at the ice! And the atmosphere were at least as good as on the lower levels. I screamed so much I wonder will I have voice at all tomorrow! XD

This is all today. I'll have my 4th driving lesson on Monday and I'm supposed to drive the car out of the parking hall (starting point) for the first time! O.O Oh no! How will that happen? I'll tell you on my next post! =)

See you soon!

torstai 30. lokakuuta 2014

"Don't crash it!"

This is what Mario told me few days ago when I said that I'd have a driving class today. Well, I think he had a good reason as I already once almost hit a tree with my dad's car XD a little panic....

So, as I said I had my first driving class today and I just got back home from it. Friends at school had already started to plan escaping from the town but, good for me, I didn't crash anything or anyone! Only thing what keeps driving me crazy is that almost every time when I try to get the car moving (from standing) using both gas and switch, I take the switch up waaay too fast tho' I try to be as careful as possible. So this happened also now and, luckily, it did not make the car to shut off, but it made it jump like a kangaroo... ARGH! xP But then when I moved the car using only the switch, it went all fine! Sigh.... Well, I think I'll get it soon enough and luckily I have a really nice teacher! =) Hopefully next time I'll do better also with the gas.

The "gym bug" has finally bit also me and yesterday I went to the gym first time with my mom. At first I thought that I'd die there, as my physical condition could probably be better, but no, I actually enjoyed it. I don't have an actual program yet because we are on the training part, but after next week my mom and I will both get our personal practicing program. Hopefully I'll be able to go to the gym often enough. :P

See you soon! ^^

tiistai 28. lokakuuta 2014

"Imagine all the people living for today..."

The President in the middle and Vice Presidents next to him. They were from Germany, Spain and Latvia
The President (from Germany) in the middle and Vice Presidents (from Spain and Latvia) next to him

Opening Ceremony

Teambuilding: Let's play a "game" XD

Time to get to know the committee members

General Assembly

My comittee: Comittee of Development, or just Deve

Time to play energysizing games even during GA

"But first: Let me take a selfie!"

So, I came here to write about EYP, as I promised last time. The problem is: I don't know where to start because so much happened there and thinking about the weekend still makes me emotional (in a good way).

To be honest, on the first day I wasn't so sure had it been good idea to go to the EYP meeting; We were almost all the time behind schedule and also some of the things were not organized good enough.

Anyway, I had that feeling only during the first day, because though some things did not go very smoothly, after I strated to get to know people, I strated to enjoy the time. This was small meeting; There were "only" 150 delegates. When I start to go to the national and international meetings, which are longer and abroad, there'll be many hundreds of delegates. And I can't wait!

So, during the meeting, we were in eight different comittees, which all had some international problem what European Union are trying to solve right now and we were supposed to find solutions for those. My comittee was Comittee of Development, or DEVE. What we had to think was the war what is going on in the Middle East and what to do to the refugees that are coming to Europe, mostly thanks to ISIS. It was mentally really hard try to find some solutions, but none of the problems were actually easy and one single solution was not possible.

During last weekend I probably laughed more than a long time; on the first day's team building games and even during General Assambly, where every comittee told their solutions. Only thing what bugs me is that in the end I ended up saying nothing during GA, even though at first I didn't even want to, because I'm afraid of public speaking. On the day before GA, every comittee voted that who is for example going to read the solutions and who is going to do the speech which explains them more. I didn't get voted. So then I decided that I make an attack speach; a speach which is supposed to strongly disagree with the solutions what another comittee had made. But I didn't have a chance to do that before getting the booklets where all the solutions of each comittee were, and those were ready about 2 am. I was simply too tired to make that kind of speech anymore so I gave up. Still I had a chance to made up some points of the solutions, and I actually did, but before I had a chance to tell that, someone from another comittee said basically the exact same thing. :( Well, better luck next time.

All in all, that weekend was so amazing and I'll definitely continue with European Youth Parliament. So easy to make new friends and a chance to say your opinion about something, are things what I definitely enjoy! I just hope to see some of the amazing people I met still in the future, because guys: I really miss you!

torstai 23. lokakuuta 2014

"Sorry I'm late"

Long time, no see huh? I'm sorry about this long long break. Life has been "a little" busy and there was also some conflicts in the relationship of me and Mario. Anyway, I won't tell more because those are private things. But don't worry, we're still in love and together! <3

So... where should I start. Well, last week was an autumn break in Finland and I was in Tenerife with my family. And for those who dont know where is Tenerife, it's a part of Canary Islands what belongs to Spain. It was so fun there and I'll put pictures here at some point! =)

I am soooo nervous and excited because of the weekend; I'll take a part of the European Youth Parliament's (EYP) meeting in Helsinki. You'll find more information about EYP from here: but shortly it's a non- partisan and independent educational program for young European citizens. I heard it at school, cause a member of it came to tell about EYP to us. I found it interesting and if I'm active enough this weekend, I'll get a change to first get to another bigger meeting in Finland and then get to the meetings in abroad. So it opens me the way to travel, which I love to do! :) Seven other students from my school will come to the meeting too so I won't be all alone.

I'm thinking that I might do some changes to the look of my blog; for example I'll change the banner to a new one. Also I'm thinking to make a christmas calendar to my blog, but I don't know what kind of yet. If you've ideas, don't be afraid to tell me! =)

Hasta luego!


tiistai 9. syyskuuta 2014

"Where ever you go, what ever you do, I will be right here waiting for you!"

I just wanted to come here and kinda open up about my feelings but I don't know how to start. I'm awful to put my feelings into words when it is about love.

 My feelings confuse me; I'm happier than I even thought I could be but then I'm also so sad because my lover is so far away. Still he knows how to make me happy no matter what is wrong. He is so respectuful and treats me like a princess. I've never seen a guy doing that to me before. It makes me feel so special.

I know I'm not the easiest possible girlfriend; I can get mad easily and being patient is definitely not the strongest part of me. My lover is absolutely opposite; I've never seen a guy who can be so patient with me and who still won't get mad no matter how annoying I can be. I say that for real I don't know what've I done to deserve a man like that. But believe me, was he far away or not, I'm not going to let him go. He is one of the kind. <3

Right now I'm just waiting that he gets to know will he be able to come to Finland next summer. I know it's not easy for him cause it asks so much money. But I tell you that if you've never been in a distance relationship you don't know how important Skyping can be. That's what keeps me going on day after day, cause then I know that when the weekend comes, we're able to talk again. I've had some breaking points already because I miss him so much but usually after a couple minutes I just force myself to keep going on because I know how much he misses me too and I know this waiting will pay itself back sooner or later. And of course now someone will ask me that if i've never seen him in a real life, how am I able to miss him. But it doesn't depend on that. You don't necessarily need to be in a same place physically before you can say you miss someone. For me, the way he acts and treats me is enough.
I don't know if my writing makes any sence, especially for those who don't have any idea what it is to being in a distance relationship, but I just had to write my feelings to somewhere. Otherwise my heart would've get too full of my feelings.And yes, I met this guy on facebook, but I can tell, that sometimes social media can give you perfect surprises.

Mario Yo Te Amo! <3

maanantai 8. syyskuuta 2014

Ask, ask, ask!

Hardly any comments in my blog! Now I want to wake you up! So ask me anything! Ask ask ask! =) I'll make an answer post later =)
xoxo Julia

perjantai 5. syyskuuta 2014

"It's all about 'bout me!"

Those of you who know me better, probably also know that music has always had a big place in my heart. It's not only that I love to listen to music, I also have some dreams about my future with music. As you know, I love to dance, but I also love to sing. So far I've only sang when I'm alone and I know no one (not including some important people) can here me, but that's just because I'm shy because of what some people have said to me.

Anyway Axl Smith visited our school today, and for those of you who don't know who he is, Axl is a well known TV person and a singer in Finland. He told us how he started with music and also said that we need to do what makes us happy, no matter what others might think. This made me think about my possible career with music and singing again. People keep saying to me, that unless you're very famous, you won't earn much money. But as I've grown older, I've realised that it's not all about money. I'd prefer a job what I really love to do, even though I wouldn't earn a lot money, over a job where I'd earn good money, but what I wouldn't like to do at all.

I've done quite a lot of performances already, partly because of my dance, and even though I'm always so nervous right before the show, still while it's going on, I've noticed how natural I can be at the stage. I love to perform and especially when it happens with music and when I was in junior high, a friend of mine once told me that another person had said that my voice is so good when I sing, but the problem is that I don't sing in front of people. And no, I'm not selfish, it's just what I heard.

This is my dream and I've decided (thanks to Axl) that I want to give it a chance and try, so now I'm asking you to respect my decision and not comment anything rude. Anyway, if you have some good tips for example how should I start, go ahead and tell me! =)

xoxo Julia

maanantai 1. syyskuuta 2014


This time I decided to come to talk to you about something what I feel important to talk about: bullying! In Finland's social media is going on a project which translated name is #callme. The idea of this is that you write to a paper first a bad name what people've used about you, and after that draw a line or a cross over it and then under it write a word that you prefer to be used about you.

The reason why I wanted to talk about this is that I was bullied too from 5th grade to the end of 8th grade. The beginning of the 8th grade was the worst time and I think I'll never forget it. I have got over it but I won't forget it. Almost every night I cried myself to sleep. The bullying was always mental, never physical but still it left me scars which remind me about themselves every now and then. The worst what I heard over and over again was that they're only words. I tell you that if I had to chose I'd prefer just a punch into my face than all that mental bullying what I had to stand. Because physical wounds will heal up at some point but mental wounds will always be there.

I'm still here and I'm stronger than I used to be, but it could've ended absolutely other way; It might be that I would not be here any longer. Luckily it isn't like that and these days I help my friends who still get bullied at school because I know how they feel. Bulliers: Do you know that? Do you know how it is when you feel useless and so lonely and start to believe what the bulliers are saying to you? I tell you that it's not fun! So everybody: Let's think twice what we're going to say to others! The bullying needs to be stopped!


lauantai 23. elokuuta 2014

The wedding I was so excited about!

No, it wasn't my wedding! XD XD XD No, no, no! It's not time for that yet! But I got invited to my really important friends' wedding and that was today (one reason for the song above actually)! =) I tell you it's just the cutest couple I've ever seen! <3 I was so happy and still am for them! =) The only problem was at first that I hardly knew anyone from there but then I just started to talk with some people so I ended up having so much fun! And so much laugh! XD Some of those speeches there just made me laugh so much the tears started to fall down from my eyes! :'D

Anyway it's been said that one picture tells more than 1000 words so I put punch of pictures here! I have a permission from the couple to use them here, but you're NOT allowed to copy them etc! But enjoy! ;)

The ring!
The first kiss! <33

The just cut the cake! =D


So cute! =33

Even I got into some of the group pictures! :D

The dress is from New Yorker! =)
xoxo Julia

maanantai 18. elokuuta 2014

It tastes like Brazilian!

Restaurant Canarinho

Sooooo delicious :P
Those grilled bananas were awesome :P

From the harbor

Olá my friends! Yesterday there was a Pop-up restaurant day in Helsinki, which means that whoever wants to, can find his/her own restaurant for one day. So we had decided earlier on the week, that we'd go to see what kind of Brazilian restaurant there would be. We just saw an add about it from the newspaper and we all love exotic food, so there we go! It was soooooo yummy! Except the chicken hearts... yuk! :P

After we were done eating, we went to the harbor just for a walk, and sit down somewhere to eat desserts and also taking some pictures, as it was so awesome weather. :) I really want to go check the pop up restaurants again next time, seems like the food there is actually good =)

Last Saturday I also started my dance school again after a year break. What made me even more exited was, that one of my closest friends decided to start in the same dance group too, so now we have a place and time to see each others, as usually we're both so busy that it's kinda impossible. Only thing now, what bugs me is, that we'd have a street show in three weeks, but I won't be able to go to the practise in the next two weeks: This saturday will be my friends' wedding (other one of them is just the one who started in the same dance group) and then the next whole weekend I'll be gone in a camp for those who just came home from exchange. Of course I'm excited because of those, but it just bugs me that now I won't be able to dance in the show. Well whatever; We'll have more shows coming during the season anyway so let's move on =)

Now I think I need to go to do my homework, so this is it for now! There'll be a post about this fridays concert and then of course from the wedding so don't lose your interest ;) See you later!

xoxo Julia